Sunday, July 5, 2009

independence day.

Happy (late) 4th of July everyone! I was sad to miss everything back home, (especially home made ice cream) but still had a great day in Haiti. The few americans that are here represented by wearing red and white and we even ate some fresh watermelon!

Sundays are my favorite days in Haiti. Church is incredible every single Sunday. My favorite part is hearing the familiar worship songs in a different language. Such a great reminder that God is so universal :) They had a choir today....unreal.

After that Sunday is just a day of rest. We went out to lunch at a haitian restaurant and then spent the rest of the day playing cards. When I say restaurant, I do not mean one anything like in a states. There were chickens running around at my feet and dogs laying all over the ground. I will take pictures next week when we go again.

The babies are doing wonderful, they keep gaining strength. There have been a couple minor problems so we are taking them to a pediatric missionary a couple villages away tomorrow. 

Hope everyone had a great holiday!

Today I am thankful for...
1. Building relationships here, and learning through the people who are already here. Love them.
2. Rain coming and cooling things down a bit!
3. The monopoly card game. SO FUN! We are always playing it on the front porch. It's nothing like the real game.

peace, love, red, white, and blue!


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