Friday, July 3, 2009

survivor day!

(Christopher playing the worm game)

Today has been an exciting day! After spending the night with the babies again (I posted the picture above) we spent the day with the orphanage kids playing "survivor" games. We divided up into 8 teams, all the teams got bandanas in their color and they made up their own team name. The teams consisted of "Team Lion King, Team Tiger One, Team Highschool Musical, Team Blood of Jesus," etc. Haha. We then spent the day playing all kinds of fun games, here are a couple...

1. Lick the cheerios. Each team picked one person and spent the alloted amount of time licking and sticking cheerios to that person's face. Team with the most cheerios won.
2. Worms. We mixed chocolate pudding, oreo crumbs and gummi worms in a big bucket and had them bob for the gummi worms as a race.
3. Bouncy Balls. We cut holes in the lids of pringles cans and threw bouncy balls all over the ground outside. They had a race to see who could get the most bouncy balls in the cans.

...and so many more! We played games all day and i'm exhausted. Now i'm off to hang out with my twins for the night. I will post part 3 of their story tomorrow, but we have named them "Hannah Grace" and "Jeremiah Issac" Both names fit them so well!

Things I am thankful for today...
1. Coffee. I don't usually drink it but it's a must-have for two newborns!
2. Just being healthy here. It seems like everyone has gotten really sick except me.
3. The free spirit of kids. They just remind you to have fun :)

peace, love, and messy games,


Emmanuela and I wearing our bandanas and visors.


  1. christopher has gotten huge


  2. you are such a cute little momma! love ya- heather

  3. hope things are going well over there- the twins are cute!!!! praying for you!


  4. Maybe people wouldn't get sick so often if you stopped licking each other's faces and giving kids communal bowls of pudding to eat from...

    Miss ya,
