Wednesday, July 1, 2009

the twins - part one

 I am safe in haiti and cannot even express how happy I am to be here! I even arrived with all my luggage which is very rare. I got here around 12 this afternoon and have been with the twins ever since, here is part one of their story...written by Rachelle Montgomery.

Their mother is Carline, 18 years old and living on the streets. Her face is worn and tired, baring the scars of a hard life. Her eyes are dark, sad and empty.  She went into labor last Sunday in the middle of her village, on the street and all alone. A young woman named Christine was walking by and stumbled upon this young woman about to give birth on the side of the road. She flagged a truck down and asked the driver to take them to the hospital right away, but the baby couldn’t wait and her little girl was born in the truck on the way to the hospital. 

When her labor continued they realized that she was having twins. Luckily they made it to the hospital before her little boy was born.  Carline and the twins were at the hospital for three days. Christine, previously a complete stranger to this woman, came to visit a few times worried about the babies knowing that their mother was not quite right mentally. On one of her visits Carline begged Christine to take the babies, saying she didn’t want them and if she had to keep them she would kill them.  On the day they were released from the hospital Christine and a friend came to help bring Carline and the babies back to their village.

 Carline asked Christine to stay with the babies for a minute while she went to buy a comb. Christine and her friend waited with the babies, but Carline never came back.  When they realized Carline wasn’t coming back they decided they should bring the babies back to their village, hoping Carline would show up there. 

She didn’t. 

Not knowing what else to do Christine brought the babies to Simonette hoping her cousin Patris could help. I got the call from Patris on Wednesday night saying these tiny babies were at his house and in need of help. I told him to bring the babies on Thursday morning knowing at the very least I could get them into the clinic and buy them some formula and other things.  

 I knew from the moment I heard about the babies God had a plan for them and that I was going to be a part of their life, in some way, shape or form.

I will post part 2 later! Here are pictures of the babies...The baby girl weighed 2.8 pounds and the baby boy weighted 3.5 pounds. The babies came to us without names and so far we've been referring to them as baby girl and baby boy.

Today I am thankful for...
1. Arriving safely
2. Diapers :)
3. Feeling like a mom at the moment

peace, love, and newborns,



  1. You should name them Jessi and jo:).. Love yas-jazz

  2. haha! I love the name referral! How are they doing?

    Miss ya! Heather

  3. AHHH I'm so happy for you and the twins:)

    I'm praying for them and for you to be able to take woooooonderful care of them. I know you'll make a huge impact! We'll really miss you in smallgroup! Stay safe!


  4. Alex, I had tears well up in my eyes when I saw these precious little babes. Love, love love on them, let them experience Jesus through your care & know that he is going to take care of them. I'll be praying.
