Saturday, March 14, 2009

crazy day one.

I wish that I could say we are safe and sound in Haiti tonight, but I am sleeping at the airport! We took two flights today and we're stuck in florida until 7:00 tomorrow morning. Also, southwest lost our luggage in AMERICA. This does not normally happen until we get to haiti, but it happened early this trip. They informed us we would have it Sunday so hopefully our luck will turn! You would think I would have learned by now (this has happened twice before) to pack clothes in my carry on. We should arrive tomorrow afternoon and Mom and Dad, I will update as soon as we get there. :)

peace, love, and terminals.

This is Taylor, Cindy's daughter and I. Yes, we are sleeping on this chair.


  1. Oh so wanting to know that you guys are there.

  2. I hope you and Taylor are having fun!
    -Emily Felts
