Sunday, March 15, 2009

spoons and sundays.

To start off today was a great Sunday! We actually don't start working until tomorrow. Today we woke up and when to church at the mission, it was great as usual, and i'm sore from holding a little baby girl all through the service. She drooled all down my arm, but it was still great. After that, we visited another orphanage that the mission sponsors, Ed's orphanage, and loved on some more kids. We visited some of Rachel's awesome friends while we were in the village and then we came back and played with the hope house kids for the rest of the evening. (Rachel is staff and our long friend at MOH). We just finished the night with a long and VERY intense game of spoons. Needless to say, I am exhausted! Our luggage has still not arrived! I'm in the same clothes I was in when I flew here 2 days ago. We're guessing it will come tomorrow, haha, but I am definitely not getting my hopes up. We also just ran out of water, so that means no showers. It's kind of nice not having worrying about anything other than showing love to people, even hygiene!

Highlights of the day....
1. Singing worship at church. It's crazy to hear the songs in a different language, it's a reminder of how big God really is, and how small I am. The people there literally sing their hearts out, and it is so so so encouraging.
2. Seeing old friends!
3. Trying Rachel's friend's delicious juice. It was made from grapefruit and milk. It doesn't sound appealing but it was SO good.
4. Winning the first round of spoons! and watching crazy rachel dominate the last game.
5. Sitting on this incredible porch listening to the rain.

I wish I  could add bigger pictures and more of them, but it uses the bandwidth here at the mission so i'll be doing that when I get home! Love you all.

peace, love, and summer storms.



  1. Funny, I think I read somewhere that Haitian infant saliva has great medicinal qualities... Either way, have fun being filthy, you aren't going to get away with that when you come back to 204.
    And, I'm thinking that since this is the second one of these I've done, I might just make this a regular thing.

    P.S. and I might just add one of these every time too.

    "We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly."
    - Sam Keen

  2. Same clothes, no showers, and baby spit; thats what I like to hear. Glad you made it alive! Keep up the amazing work. -Zach

  3. love being updated everyday! Keep it up! I know those babies are loving you! I should have sent you some goodies for them..........darn!!!

    Luv ya-
    heather and kids......

  4. Hey Al
    Your Mom and I are glad you are safe. We know your kids love you as much as we do. I think you have figured it out, people have an unlimited amount of love to share, if they will just do it. We love you. We pray God watches over you, and all the persons he touches through you, on this trip. Dad

  5. so so so miss it. and oh the rain. best rain in the world.
