Thursday, March 19, 2009

mountains and goodbyes.

The past couple of days have been very busy! Yesterday we went up in to the mountains to deliver food rations, something I had never done before. It is so different than sea level up there. There are villages in the mountains that have never even seen a white person before. The kids we met were SO well behaved, because they don't have people come visit very much. We spent the afternoon playing games with them, eating candy and singing songs. Today we spent the afternoon at the beach and just got done watching movies through the projector with the hope house kids.

This week has flown by, it feels like we just arrived yesterday. I can confidently say that goodbyes are the hardest part of coming to Haiti. We just said goodbye to the MOH kids, kills me every time. They shove letters and colored pages into your hands as you leave, and the hugs don't stop until you reach the gate. After that, you have to walk up the hill thinking about how long it will be until you see them again. I'm just not ready to leave yet. I find joy in the fact that I will see them again soon, and once again i'm counting down the days until I come back.

Highlights of the day.....
1. Right now, listening to the big storm on the tin roof.
2. Watching wall-e with the kids, a universal movie.
3. Having four kids fall asleep on me and carrying them to bed.
4. A haitian smoked crab for us on the beach today, it was delicious.

I will post some pictures and videos sometime when I get home. Miss you all, love you all.

peace, love, and hard goodbyes.



  1. OK, I have been slacking a little on my replies, but I'm all caught up now and I'm giving you something to read tomorrow. It's strange to think that we are completely opposite sides of the country, and then some... (over 3000 miles. Yes, I looked it up). My trip isn't too bad, but I've got some pretty good stories to tell you when I get back Monday. Hope your plane rides aren't as miserable as mine have been. Can't wait to hang out in 204 and spy out the window as soon as we both get back. I'll talk to you soon... sort of. Be safe.
