Monday, March 16, 2009

a day of luck.

Today was a pretty exciting day for us. We worked today, and we ended up unloading a whole container at the warehouse. (In this container was 630,000 servings of food!) Needless to say my back is a little sore from carrying all those boxes, but I felt pretty accomplished. When we got back, guess what was here? Our luggage! Finally. We also got more water, so overall it was an incredibly lucky day, and I had the best shower of my life.

After that, we visited the village in Caberet. This was the hardest part of the day for me. We went to the new Good Samaritan Orphanage. I have been to the old one several times, but in the recent hurricanes the old building got completely demolished. While they were in transition, they stayed here at the Mission of Hope where I'm staying for two months, and they were here when I visited last time. They looked happy, healthy and great when they were here. It has been four months since they moved back to the new building, and seeing them today was heartbreaking. The conditions were awful, some were even sleeping outside. They were dirty, they were quiet, and they were sick. It is hard see them change from good to bad, unbelievably hard, and to have no control over it. We spent the rest of evening playing spoons and dominoes on the porch. I'm hoping that another familiar orphanage will lift my spirits tomorrow, and i'm praying that the changes there will be positive instead of negative. I'm having trouble dealing with the fact that they are outside and I am inside right now, but I know that God is big and that alone gives me hope for these kids.

"I tell you the truth. Whatever you have done for the least of these, you have done for me."
Matthew 25:40

peace, love, and showers.


these were all taken at the Good Samaritan today.


  1. alex- these posts and pics are bringing tears to my eyes! I can hardly stand it! I wish I had half the courage you do! You are truly changing the world!

    love you lots-heather

  2. What is the status of the orphanage? Why did they leave MOH, if they were not ready? Was the water purification system back up and running there? I miss being there with you...don't really miss the hot hot days and the no showers and no clothes...but it makes it all more humbling.
    Love ya!
    Debbie and Tommy

  3. Hey Debbie and Tommy! We miss you this week. The GS kids left MOH because they had found new shelter, the building is not so bad but the mommies taking care of them are not taking care of them so well. I think that's the reason they are so sick. I did not see the water system this time, it is a completely new place and I didn't really get a chance to look around, I was too busy hugging kids. I'll tell you more about it when I get home for sure!
