Saturday, March 14, 2009

we're here!

We made it safe and sound today, which is great news! Our luggage did not, but we're hoping for it tomorrow. Everyone is drained from our overnight trip, so most of the day was just used for rest. Zach and I went with another team to see the new Mission of Hope land while everyone was sleeping. They have some new land, right by the ocean, and are planning to build a new orphanage, a new school, a new clinic, and a new church, and of course we were swarmed by kids there just like everywhere else in haiti! The rest of the day was just spent hanging out with the kids here at the orphanage.

Best part of the day:
1. Watching all the new people on the chaotic bus ride to the mission.
2. All the MOH kids running up and remembering my name, even the little ones this time!

Tomorrow we're going to work, visit the New Jerusalem Orphanage, and going to the titayen market. Hope you all are having a great spring break!!

peace, love, and lost luggage.


haitian security system- glass bottles


  1. alexxx can you skype?? love yaa...jesssiiii!

  2. I wish my day was as exciting and impacting, needless to say it was not. I did however take care of quite a bit of laundry and watch a very interesting documentary about the national debt (I'll catch you up on it when you get back). And guess what, I'm pretty sure I broke the TV again... my parents are going to be furious...
    Have fun, I miss you and am praying for you.
    - Ben

    P.S. I read this today and it reminded me of you.

    "In bed my real love has always been the sleep that rescued me by allowing me to dream" - Luigi Pirandello

  3. AB,

    Keep on keepin on, but way to keep your eye out for broken glass. I'm really pumped you're keeping this updated. I'll def be checking it regularly and praying for you. And when you get back I have a book I think you'll enjoy.

    Peace, Love, and Colorado,
    Your Slacker
