Tuesday, March 10, 2009

byenvini! welcome!

Hello friends and family! I created this blog to keep you updated on what I'm up to in Haiti. I leave in less than three days and I am counting down, not only for this week but most importantly for this summer. I went on my first trip to Titayen, Haiti after my junior year of high school, and since then I have not been able to stay away! I am literally counting down the minutes until I step off of the plane, it's a wonderful place. I'll tell you more about it later, but in short, I stay at The Mission of Hope, which is an incredible orphanage full of beautiful kids. Thank you for stopping to read, I appreciate every single one of your prayers and I am so blessed to be surrounded by an atmosphere of support. You are great!

peace, love, and plane rides,


october 2007

october 2007

march 2008

march 2008
                          october 2008

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