Tuesday, March 17, 2009

today in titayen.

After yesterday, today was a very encouraging day! We worked again this morning, and after lunch we visited Titayen, a village down the road. This is where a small orphanage, New Jerusalem, is located and I've been there every trip since 07. The first time I visited 2 years ago, the kids were living in a ditch with a tent over it and it was the first time i've ever experienced the overwhelming helpless feeling here. I am SO glad to say that it has been improving tremendously every single trip, and today the kids were happy and pretty healthy! It was by no means up to great conditions, but the kids have a roof, and food, and are going to school. The part I am most excited about is that their rent is up in two weeks and they are all moving permanently here to the mission! They will get to experience love and care that they've never even imagined before, and I cannot wait to come this summer and see how much they've improved here. We had a great day playing games and eating candy. 

Highlights of the day....
1. Playing a blindfold game where I crawl around on the ground looking for bags of cheetos. If you find a bag you get to eat them! Needless to say I lost and made a fool of myself in front of all the kids, haha, I have a video of it to post later.
2. A new team is here from the U.S. and i'm excited to get to know them!
3. Tonight we had hobo dinners. They were delicious.
4. Seeing improvement and knowing change is happening here. So much change.

Tomorrow we are hiking into the mountains and delivering food rations. I've never been before so i'm excited but a little nervous about what I will see.

peace, love, and St. Patrick's Day in haiti.


1 comment:

  1. Proud of you A Brow! Very encouraging reading over these, you're doing some awesome stuff down there! By the way, you ate hobo's the same day phil and I at hobo's!!! Cant wait to hear stories, keep it up! Galatians 6:9 "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Keep going strong, I know you are! -T Brown
